Educational Institutions Services
1. We conduct a thorough and robust genuineness check on a prospective student before submitting their application to our partner Universities. We conduct following checks if an applicant:
2. has previously been refused because UKVI has not been satisfied that he is a genuine student, and there have been no material changes in his circumstances or new evidence since that refusal
3. has a UKVI approved English Language Proficiency certificate (e.g. IELTS) and also can speak English to the expected standard without the aid of an interpreter (effectively that they do a basic standard of English)
4. has any personal and financial circumstances that questions their credibility, for example:
5. The economic circumstances of the applicant and any dependent in their region in their home country;
6. Whether bold max the applicant has credible funds to meet course fees, and living costs for himself / herself and any dependents for the duration of the course in a UK city, with limited or no ability to work in the UK;
7. How the applicant was able to acquire the necessary funds for course fees, as well as accommodation in a UK city and living expenses in a UK city for themselves and any dependent;
8. The applicant’s personal circumstances, where these would make it difficult to complete a full-time course of study.
9. has satisfactory personal reasons for choosing to study in the UK as compared to other countries including their home country.
10. has satisfactory personal reasons for their University choice as compared to other alternative options.
11. has satisfactory personal reasons for their course choice as compared to other alternative options.
12. has satisfactory justification about their future career goals and how their chosen course will help them achieve those goals.
13. We communicate the University’s public presence, brand, key messages and visual identity with the local community and other key target markets through media relations, public events and informative seminars
14. We arrange Open Days to promote our partner Universities to our client market
15. To promote our partner Universities to our client market, we place adverts and paid campaigns on
16. social networking websites.
17. classified advert websites.
18. adverts on local newspapers.
19. To promote our partner Universities to our client market, we organise campus visits for prospective students.